Path of the sramana // Sound design & implementation / music
"The young, inexperienced daughter of a wise high shaman jouneys into the spirit realm, in an attempt to find her father's soul and save him from the clutches of death." -
Devoloped at The Animation Workshop 2019
Directed by Mayenna Sophie Plastow-Smed
Developed by
Monica Meineche
Malik Sigrist
Aske Kaagaard
Konsta Nikkilä
Nikola Enchev
Dmitri Belogurov
Sound and Music by Lukas Julian Lentz &
Andreas Liboriussen
In a future dystopian world, a courageous girl uses her birthday to escape from the human-factory that created her.
The factory within is the exam project of julian lentz at sonic college's game audio subject
The factory within // a game by julian lentz